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Many who have never experienced the deep indoctrination of Christianity don't understand the psychosis behind it. Many don't understand how a woman can be so in love with an idea of a man that she is willing to turn her back on everything that she loves. Many don't understand how a man can cry from the depths of his soul about another man that he only heard about through hand-me-down stories and old books.

Empress T’Malkia, a twice-ordained National Licensed Minister gives you a deeper look into the psychological aspects of Christianity and its influence on its followers

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T'Malkia faithfully served Jesus in exchange for the promise of eternal life, prosperity, good health, protection and peace on earth. Over 43 years later, her quest to receive those promises ended when she was forced to face the question of his existence.

This is not just her story, but the story of millions who are knowingly or unknowingly in spiritual bondage.


Every Believer should read “Divorcing Jesus” because the candid recollection of T’Malkia’s spiritual journey is guaranteed to be relatable to all who are currently following the Christian Doctrine.


Just as well, Non-Believers should read “Divorcing Jesus” if they are having a hard time understanding how a person could be mentally and spiritually “caught up” in the idea of a man that they cannot see, touch, hear or feel.
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Divorcing Jesus was the hardest thing I did in my adult life. I wish I had this book when I was going through this painful process. Empress T answers all your questions and concerns with this life changing book. Thank you Empress T for giving the world a gemstone, with this awesome book Divorcing Jesus.

Franklyn Browne (Amazon)
Empress T's Divorcing Jesus has helped bring closure in several areas of my life that were left unaddressed in my life. Having been raised in the church, I too had many questions and sought answers wherever the facts chose to lead me. It was a difficult transition, but having read this book, I feel even more confident in my individual spirituality. What courage. Such honesty. This is truly a gift for generations to come. Thank you Empress T!

ddwayneg (Smashwords)
An excellent read. I enjoyed this book so much. It was well written. The author's story will be a great help to those who may be struggling with leaving Christianity and inspiring to others, like myself, who have already awakened.

Amazon Customer
"Divorcing Jesus", is a very valuable and evocative read as Ordained Minister T'Malkia Zuri shares her journey with Jesus from the vulnerable beginning to the bitter devorce.
This book is a great mind opener for both christians as well as non-christians because most christians would be able to relate to and learn from her unbiased experience and non-christians can gain understanding and be more gentle and empathetic when helping a christian out of spiritual bondage."

Jmoyj (Smashwords)

T'Malkia faithfully served Jesus in exchange for the promise of eternal life, prosperity, good health, protection and peace on earth. Over 43 years later, her quest to receive those promises ended when she was forced to face the question of his existence.

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