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Have a personal story of leaving Christianity? We want to hear from you!  Submit your story and we will consider including it in our E-Newsletter. We may even invite you to join Empress T on her popular secular show Life After Christianity 101. This is a new feature that we are adding to our Newsletter. The "Exodus Journals" will house a collection of "testimonies" submitted to us by our Newsletter Members. We are in the process of going through the ones that we have already received for consideration. If you want to submit your story for consideration, do so below. This page will reflect all chosen submissions in the upcoming weeks.
There are many who are now leaving Christianity and other forms of religion. Exodus testimonies about leaving religion can have a powerful affect upon those in desperate need of uplifting & encouragement. Are you someone who has experienced the Christian Doctrine but managed to escape? Are you interested in sharing your story with us? Perhaps you can tell us about your de-conversion experience, or the trials that you went through when you decided to leave religion.

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Articles & Quick Links
[The Great Apostasy: Leaving Christianity] [20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity] [Signs You Should Stop Pretending To Be A Christian] [Christianity: Guilty By Association] [The Greatest Story Ever Told] [How to Tell Your Child That Religion is a Lie]
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