How to Write Your Exodus Testimony

1 - Realize the Power of Your Exodus Story.
Your story can uplift and encourage someone who may have similar experiences as you do while trying to leave religion.

2 - Spend Time in Meditation.
Meditation helps to clear the mind. It also helps you to dig in to your subconscious mind and re-surface memories that may be suppressed.
3 -Make a Simple Outline of Your Exodus, and chose which topic to write about.
You have limited space, so you may not be able to write a short story covering all of the outline points. You can submit 3 separate stories within a 12 calendar month period.

The outline should focus on
    *before you became a Christian
    *how were you converted?
    *during your time as a Christian
    *when you decided to leave Christianity
    *how leaving Christianity effected your relationship with family and friends.
     *who or what influenced your decision?

4. Stick to the point.
Remember that you are sharing your story to assure another that they are not alone in their exodus.

5. Be specific as much as possible in such short space.
This makes your exodus story tangible. Provide something in your story that others can relate to.

7. Be current.
Tell what is happening in your life today since you left Christianity.

8. Be honest.
Don't exaggerate or dramatize your life for effect.

Things to Avoid so that your testimonial won't get rejected.

9.  Stay away from words that may seem foreign to the average English-speaking person. Many who are leaving Christianity find themselves studying religious systems and way of life that is not taught in school or church.
Here are some examples:

*third eye

10.  Also avoid using derogatory words.

11. Don't use information that may not be understood by those who have not done research on stuff that you may have researched. In other words, DON'T GO OVER PEOPLE'S HEADS! 

12. Testimonies that are longer than 1000 words.

13. Testimonials that contain excessive spelling and grammar errors